Writings in English

Published papers

  • "Changes in the concept of 'fitness' in evolutionary biology" (PDF format) May 1996; published in Jissentetsugaku-Kenkyu (Studien zur Praktischen Philosophie) 19, Nov. 1996.
  • "Use-novelty, severity, and a systematic neglect of relevant alternatives" (rewrite of the above item); in Philosophy of Science 66 (Proceedings), S403-S413, 1999.
  • "Can epistemology be social?: A review of recent attempts in social epistemology" PHS newsletter no.18, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Kyoto University.
  • "Scientific Rationality and the 'Even Stronger Program'", AI and Society 12, no.3&4, 1999.
  • " Near Triviality of Conclusive Reasons" Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science vol. 14 no.1, pp. 1-20, 2005.

    final draft downloadable from Nagoya Repository

  • "Unsettled-Domain Utilitarianism: A Revision of Hare's Two-Level Theory for Application" Tetsugaku (Philosophy) , pp. 25-38, April 2008

  • "How Should We Foster the Professional Integrity of Engineers in Japan? A Pride-Based Approach," Science and Engineering Ethics vol. 14, 165-176, June 2008.

    Unpublished papers

    Many of the writings listed below are term papers and short writings I wrote for my graduate seminars at University of Maryland. Some of them are incorporated in my dissertation and its Japanese translation.

    * Epistemology/ Metaphysics


    1. "Taking science for granted: naturalistic realism or NOA?"Nov. 1996.
    2. "The Special Reasons Requirement and Cartesian Skepticism" Mar. 1997.
    3. "The KK thesis and Skepticism" Presented to the Graduate Student Colloquium on April 4, 1997.
    4. "Taking science for granted: does naturalism lead to realism?"Apr. 1997. A significantly rewritten version of the item 2 above.
    5. "Epistemological significance of verificationism" Apr. 1997.
    6. "Naturalized epistemology and positive skepticism" May 1997.

      *Short Essays etc.

    7. "Putnam's model-theoretic argument", May 1997.

    * Philosophy of Science

    1. "Kitcher and Progress" Dec. 1995.
    2. "Bayes's theorem and the problem of 'old evidence'" Dec. 1995.
    3. "Discovery problem and cognitive neuropsychology" May 1996.
    4. "How should we understand inconsistencies in science?" May 1996.
    5. "Does severe testing overcome underdetermination?" May 1997.
    6. "Use-novelty, gellerization, and severe tests" presented to the 16th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, in Kansas City, Missouri, October 1998.

      *Short Essays etc.

    7. Presentation on Kitcher Dec.1995. (somewhat overlaps with item 1 above)
    8. "Hacking's Realism in Representing and Intervening"Sept. 1996.
    9. "Did Hacking convert?", Feb. 1997.
    10. Answers to CHPS special field exam , April 26, 1997.

    * History and Philosophy of Science

    1. "On the changes in the concept of the gene" Mar. 1996.
    2. "Philosophical Interpretations of the Plate Tectonics Revolution"Dec. 1996.

      *Short Essays etc.

    3. Answers to CHPS general field exam , May 3, 1997.

    * Philosophy of Social Science/ Social Studies of Science/ Sociology

    1. "Japanese society and a religious cult -- the case of the poison gas attack in Tokyo subways"Oct. 1996.
    2. "The case for sociology as a science"Oct. 1996.
    3. "A Comparison of Micro- and Macrosociology"Dec. 1996.
    4. "Mills' Notion of Power Elite and its Sociological Implications"Dec. 1996.
    5. "Social conditioning and consensus formation in science" May 1997.
    6. "Social empiricism and its potential: for a fruitful cooperation between SSK and philosophy of science" Presented to Kyoto Philosophy of Science Colloquium, June 15, 1997.
    7. "Scientific Rationality and the 'Even Stronger Program'", presented to International Conference on Science, Technology and Society, March 1998.

      *Short Essays etc.

    8. "Magic in the modern society "Aug. 1996.

    * Ethics

    1. "Information ethics and its methodology: wide reflective equilibrium as a form of modest foundationalism" presented to The First International Workshop for Foundations of Information Ethics, March 1999.

      *Short Essays etc.

    2. "Why should people use the maximin rule in original position?" Feb. 1996.
    3. "Are we entitled to our natural assets?" Mar. 1996.
    4. "On the Lockean proviso" Apr. 1996.
    5. "Non-motivational use of a moral word"Oct. 1996.
    6. "Some replys to Copp from Hare's point of view"Oct. 1996.

    If you have any comments, questions or anything else, please mail to tiseda_at_bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp.